MANN N/A N/A | MANVF N/A N/A | 1H50 N/A N/A |

Manning Ventures Investor Intends to Participate in Current Stock Offering

TheNewswire – January 21, 2021 – Mr. Etienne Moshevich of Vancouver, British Columbia reports that he has disposed of 727,000 common shares of Manning Ventures Inc. (the “Company”) through the facilitates of the Canadian Securities Exchange.  The shares represent approximately 3.9% of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company and were disposed of at a price of Cdn$0.20 per share.

Following the disposition, Mr. Moshevich has control and direction over 2,853,000 common shares of the Company, of which 990,000 are held by Transcend Capital Inc., a holding company controlled by Mr. Moshevich.  The shares represent approximately 15.4% of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Issuer.

Mr. Moshevich disposed of the shares as a result of an investment decision and now intends to participate in an offering of units being conducted by the Company.  As disclosed in the accompanying Early Warning Report, Mr. Moshevich may in the future acquire or dispose of further securities of the Company, through the market, privately or otherwise, as circumstances or market conditions warrant.

A copy of the Early Warning Report filed with the applicable securities regulators regarding the above disposition is available on SEDAR (

For further information, contact:

Etienne Moshevich

Suite 303, 750 West Pender Street
Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 2T7

The issuance of this news release is not an admission that an entity named in the news release owns or controls any described securities or is a joint actor with another named entity.

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